Friday 19 November 2010

Life is talking to you

My mentee shared with me "These days I am very busy with projects, while I don't know what I am work for.... Feel lost sometimes"
And my response was
"We all feel lost at some point in our lives. Treasure that lost feeling becos it makes us stop for a moment. It makes us reflect and think about what we are doing, whats life is about and why we are doing what we are doing.
If we dont have these moments, we may suddenly wake up one day to find we are 70 or 80, and then we can do nothing much to change at that time.
I have many of such moments. Each time, inspite of the terrible feeling I have, I will spend the quiet time to find out why I want what I want, how I want it, what can I do. Each time, I come out of these moments, feeling a little scared (because I will be making changes) but re-energised.
And now that I look back, each time these moments have moved me on to higher levels. Treasure these moments. Life is talking to you.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Quin,

    I remember I once had that thought of not knowing what I was busy for long ago.

    When asking the question of don't know what to work for, normally a lot has happened before the person has asking the question, either something happened in life or at work that has the person got disappointed or thwarted intention, which has turned into resignition.

    What I found work for me is to share my dreams constantly, share what I want to achieve at work, share the family I want to create with my boyfriend, to everybody I get to meet, and never afraid how ppl look at me. Everytime I share, I touch and move myself to tears how corageous I am.

    Of course I have times that I am challenged and want to give up, given that I am working in a place I can't get away with virturally anything that I do. However, ppl around me hold me accountble and remind me to what I declared before. I have no room to hide and withdraw myself.

    Either dreams, possibilities or future in life only exist in language, not the reality, yet, you make it real in your language, and the future you are living into given who you are now.

    I invite that trainee to share his/her dreams to ppl, with courage.

