Sunday 17 October 2010

Be Do Have

Most of us understand "Have", things that we desire in our lives, life goals, aims. Stuff that dreams are made of. And those of us who achieve our "Haves", we are normally good at the "Do". Do involves preparing good plans, setting up steps, processes and yardsticks to achieve our "Haves". However, quite of a few of us, after the initial exhilaration of achievement, we question "Is this all?" and in our quest to find the answer, start on another cycle of Doing and Having. On and on, until one day, we come to realise that we are like a guinea pig peddling crazily in a wheel but getting nowhere at all.

It was not until Kate* shared with me the cycle of Be-Do-Have that the scales dropped from my eyes. Yes, "Be" is the missing link. Why do we choose to do what we are doing? What meaning does it bring to us as a person? Not only will the clarity of Being give us a sense of deeper purpose but it would the continuous well of energy that we can tap into to keep going strong when things are not going our way.

Next time before we start on another quest, take a moment to figure out who you want to be, even before you start to think of what you want to have and how you can achieve it. Like Kate advised 

"Focus on the being first, then the doing and the having will come to you".

*Kate Mo is a young lady in her 20s and she has the wisdom of one way beyond her years. She was the first to help me understand Be-Do-Have and how to apply it in life and at work

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